
First International Workshop on

Discrete Optimization with Soft Constraints

Held in conjunction with

30th International Conference on
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, CP 2024

September 2, 2024
Campus Barri Vell, University of Girona, Catalonia, Spain


Overview ]

Submissions ]

Important Dates ]

Accepted Papers ]

Schedule ]

Organization ]


The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers from different fields that work on modeling and solving discrete optimization problems that can be factorized into independent pieces. Some paradigms that fall into this description are:

  • Weighted CSP
  • Max-SAT
  • Pseudo-Boolean Optimization
  • Max-SMT
  • Markov Random Field
  • Bayesian Network
  • Constraint Optimization Problem
  • Graphical Model
  • Integer Programming
Of particular interest to the workshop is the presentation of modeling and solving techniques in one paradigm that can be transferred to the others producing cross-fertilization.

This workshop is intended to build on the experience and success of the workshops on Preferences and Soft Constraints:

  • Perugia, Italy (in conjunction with CP 2011)
  • St Andrews, Scotland (in conjunction with CP 2010)
  • Sydney, Australia (in conjunction with CP 2008)
  • Nantes, France (in conjunction with CP 2006)
  • Sitges, Spain (in conjunction with CP 2005)
  • Toronto, Canada (in conjunction with CP 2004)
  • Kinsale, Ireland (in conjunction with CP 2003)
  • Ithaca, USA (in conjunction with CP 2002)
  • Paphos, Cyprus (in conjunction with CP 2001)
  • Singapore (in conjunction with CP 2000)
  • Alexandria, USA (in conjunction with CP 1999)

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The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum where researchers currently working in this area can exchange their ideas, discuss new developments and explore possible future directions. Therefore, we welcome and encourage three types of submission:

  1. Work in progress and Original work. Submissions of an extended abstract or a full paper, up to 15 pages in the LIPIcs format, about unpublished ideas will be reviewed by a double-blind process and if accepted and the authors agree the final version will be made available on the workshop website.
  2. Already published work. Authors who are interested in giving a presentation to the workshop's audience may submit their work non-anonymously while indicating where this work has been published. We will only accept work which has been published in the last calendar year (e.g., CPAIOR 2023, CP 2023, ECAI 2023, IJCAI 2023, AAAI 2024, and any conference held after May 2023).
  3. Papers rejected from the main CP conference. Decisions about acceptance of these papers will be based on their reviews.

Submissions should be emailed, in PDF form, with subject line “Soft 2024 Workshop Submission Type [1-2-3]”, directly to the two Workshop chairs, at: and The type of submission as defined above should be clearly stated in the subject line. At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop.

This workshop is open to all members of the CP community. All workshop participants must pay the workshop fee (payment of a single fee provides admission to all CP workshops except ConfWS).

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Important Dates

The proposed schedule of important dates for the workshop is as follows:

Paper Submission deadline June 26th
Notification of acceptance July 11th
Early CP registration deadline July 14th
Final version deadline August 26th
Workshop Date September 2nd

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Accepted Papers

In parentheses, original version accepted in a previous conference.

An Analysis of Core-Guided Maximum Satisfiability Solvers Using Linear Programming (SAT’2023)
George Katsirelos, INRAE Paris-Saclay, France
A preliminary Case Study on University Course Timetabling using Constraint Programming and Operations Research
Matthieu Py, and Mohamed Amir Keskes, LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Bi-Objective Discrete Graphical Model Optimization (CPAIOR’2024)
Samuel Buchet, David Allouche, Simon de Givry, and Thomas Schiex, INRAE Toulouse, France
Certified Branch-and-Bound MaxSAT Solving
Dieter Vandesande, Jordi Coll, Chu-Min Li, and Bart Bogaerts, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, Universitat de Girona, Spain, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, France, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
Empirical Evaluation of the Implicit Hitting Set Approach for Weighted CSPs
Aleksandra Petrova, Javier Larrosa, and Emma Rollón, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Optimizing Power Peaks in Simple Assembly Line Balancing through Maximum Satisfiability
Zhifei Zheng, Sami Cherif, and Rui Sá Shibasaki, University of Picardie, France
Probabilistic Inference by Projected Weighted Model Counting on Horn Clauses (CP’2023)
Alexandre Dubray, Pierre Schaus, and Siegfried Nijssen, UCLouvain, Belgium
Scalable Coupling of Deep Learning with Logical Reasoning (IJCAI’2023)
Marianne Defresne, Sophie Barbe, and Thomas Schiex, INRAE Toulouse, France
Speeding Up Pseudo-Boolean Propagation (SAT’2024)
Robert Nieuwenhuis, Albert Oliveras, Enric Rodríguez-Carbonell, and Rui Zhao, Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
Virtual Arc Consistency for Linear Constraints in Cost Function Networks
Pierre Montalbano, Simon de Givry, and George Katsirelos, INRAE Paris-Saclay and Toulouse, France

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Workshop Schedule

09:00 Speeding Up Pseudo-Boolean Propagation (SAT'2024)
Robert Nieuwenhuis, Albert Oliveras, Enric Rodríguez-Carbonell, and Rui Zhao, Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain.
09:30 An Analysis of Core-Guided Maximum Satisfiability Solvers Using Linear Programming (SAT'2023)
George Katsirelos, INRAE Paris-Saclay, France.
10:00 Certified Branch-and-Bound MaxSAT Solving
Dieter Vandesande, Jordi Coll, Chu-Min Li, and Bart Bogaerts, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, Universitat de Girona, Spain, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, France, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
Coffee Break (10:30-11:00)
11:00 Optimizing Power Peaks in Simple Assembly Line Balancing through Maximum Satisfiability
Zhifei Zheng, Sami Cherif and Rui Sá Shibasaki, University of Picardie, France.
11:30 A preliminary Case Study on University Course Timetabling using Constraint Programming and Operations Research
Matthieu Py, and Mohamed Amir Keskes, LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Lunch (12:00-14:00)
14:00 Virtual Arc Consistency for Linear Constraints in Cost Function Networks
Pierre Montalbano, Simon de Givry, and George Katsirelos, INRAE, France.
14:30 Bi-Objective Discrete Graphical Model Optimization (CPAIOR'2024)
Samuel Buchet, David Allouche, Simon de Givry, and Thomas Schiex, INRAE Toulouse, France.
15:00 Probabilistic Inference by Projected Weighted Model Counting on Horn Clauses (CP'2023)
Alexandre Dubray, Pierre Schaus, and Siegfried Nijssen, UCLouvain, Belgium.
Coffee Break (15:30-16:00)
16:00 Empirical Evaluation of the Implicit Hitting Set Approach for Weighted CSPs
Aleksandra Petrova, Javier Larrosa, and Emma Rollón, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain.
16:30 Scalable Coupling of Deep Learning with Logical Reasoning (IJCAI'2023)
Marianne Defresne, Sophie Barbe, and Thomas Schiex, INRAE Toulouse, France.

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Organizing Committee

Simon de Givry (Primary Contact)
INRAE MIAT, Toulouse, France.

Javier Larrosa
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.

Program Committee

Sami Cherif (University of Picardie, Amiens, France)
Simon de Givry (INRAE Toulouse, France)
Djamal Habet (University of Aix-Marseille, France)
George Katsirelos (INRAE Paris-Saclay, France)
Javier Larrosa (UPC, Barcelona, Spain)
Chu-Min Li (University of Picardie, Amiens, France)
Samir Loudni (IMT-Atlantique Nantes, France)
Albert Oliveras (UPC, Barcelona, Spain)
Abdelkader Ouali (University of Caen, France)
Emma Rollon (UPC, Barcelona, Spain)
Thomas Schiex (INRAE Toulouse, France)
Tomáš Werner (Czech Technical University in Prague)

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